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3 Unbelievably Easy Exercises To Lose Face Fat

15 Jun, 2021

3 Unbelievably Easy Exercises To Lose Face Fat

Face fat can be a source of frustration for many people. While losing weight overall can help reduce face fat, there are also specific exercises that can target this area. In this article, we'll cover three unbelievably easy exercises to help you lose face fat.

Why does face fat occur?

Face fat occurs when the body stores excess fat in the cheeks, chin, and neck. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, aging, and weight gain. While there is no way to spot-reduce fat, exercises that target the muscles in the face can help tone and strengthen the area, reducing the appearance of face fat.

1. Cheek lifts

Cheek lifts are a simple exercise that can help tone the muscles in the cheeks and reduce the appearance of face fat. Here's how to do it:

  1. Smile as wide as you can, keeping your lips closed.
  2. Place your index fingers on the apples of your cheeks, just below your eyes.
  3. Push up gently with your fingers while resisting with your cheek muscles.
  4. Hold the contraction for 10 seconds, then relax.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

2. Jaw release

The jaw release exercise can help tone the muscles in the jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin. Here's how to do it:

  1. Sit or stand with your back straight.
  2. Slowly open your mouth as wide as you can, keeping your tongue pressed against the bottom of your teeth.
  3. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly release.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

3. Neck rolls

Neck rolls can help tone the muscles in the neck and reduce the appearance of a double chin. Here's how to do it:

  1. Sit or stand with your back straight.
  2. Slowly tilt your head to the right and roll your neck in a circular motion.
  3. Continue rolling your neck until your chin touches your chest.
  4. Slowly lift your head back up to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the left side.
  6. Repeat the entire sequence 10 times.


While losing weight overall is the most effective way to reduce face fat, these exercises can help tone and strengthen the muscles in the face and neck, reducing the appearance of face fat. Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and you'll be on your way to a more toned and sculpted face in no time!


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