Dear user,

If you want to cancel your subscription to our services, you can do that at any time. However, since all our products and services are provided in digital form only, we do not accept any returns and we do not issue refunds for cancelled subscriptions.

The only case in which you are eligible for a refund is if you decide to cancel your subscription before accessing the digital content of Face Yoga services. If you have purchased access to the Face Yoga member area, but have not used the access and have not logged into your Face Yoga account, we will issue you a refund if you cancel your subscription within 14 days after purchasing it.   

If you have any questions about our subscription and cancellations policies or if you want to cancel your subscription, you can do that any time by contacting our customer support by email or by filling this contact form here:

If you decide to cancel and inform us that your subscription and your account will be terminated once the subscription period, for which you have already paid, expires. If you wish to terminate the account immediately please let us know and your account will be terminated instantly, however, we will not give any refunds for the subscription months that was already prepaid for Face Yoga services.

You can find more detailed information about Face Yoga subscription and cancellations policy on Sections 5 and 6 on the Face Yoga Terms & Conditions page here: