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3 Facial Exercises To Get Rid Of Nasolabial Folds

27 Jul, 2021

3 Facial Exercises To Get Rid Of Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds, also known as smile lines, are the deep lines that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They are a natural part of the aging process and can be caused by a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. While there are various cosmetic procedures that can help reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds, there are also facial exercises that can be effective in getting rid of them.

1. Cheek Lift

The cheek lift exercise can help strengthen the muscles in your cheeks and reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  1. Sit or stand up straight and tilt your head back slightly.
  2. Purse your lips together and smile as wide as possible, while keeping your lips pursed.
  3. Hold the smile for 10 seconds, then relax your face and repeat 10 times.

2. Jaw Opener

The jaw opener exercise can help improve the tone and elasticity of the skin around your mouth and reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  1. Open your mouth as wide as possible, making sure your tongue is pressed against the roof of your mouth.
  2. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax your mouth and repeat 10 times.

3. Fish Lips

The fish lips exercise can help strengthen the muscles in your cheeks and around your mouth, which can help reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  1. Purse your lips together, then suck your cheeks in and hold the position for 5 seconds.
  2. Relax your face and repeat 10 times.


Nasolabial folds can be a frustrating part of the aging process, but facial exercises can be effective in reducing their appearance. By incorporating cheek lifts, jaw openers, and fish lips into your daily routine, you can help strengthen the muscles in your face and improve the tone and elasticity of your skin.

Remember, while these facial exercises can be effective, they may not provide the same dramatic results as cosmetic procedures. If you're looking for a more significant change, consider speaking with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon to discuss your options.